Saturday, February 19, 2011

Keeping it Classy {Modest Fashion Week} Day 7

Girls, it was fun doing the Keeping it Classy {modest fashion week} with all of you! I still have one more giveaway to post, though. =) But, at midnight this is all over. I'll keep the linkys open until Monday for all of you to link up your late posts. Sometime next week my sisters and I will go over all the entires and pick some of our favorites. We will then post our favorites and you will have the chance to vote for your favorite. The top three will then have the option to be interviewed by me. =) Also, all of you who enter two or more outfits will have the option to receive a FREE subscription to the Girlz 4 Christ magazine. I'll post the names of those who qualify in another post. You can then let me know if you want the prize. 

I found some real treasures last night at the book sale. It was wonderful! I was able to pick up the following: Audrey Style by: Pamela Clarke Keogh, The Big Book of Knitting by: Isabelle Stevenson {1948}, Mother Truth's Melodies: A Kindergarten for Little Folks by: Mrs. E. P. Miller {1879}, Swiss Family Robinson by: Johann Wyss {1888}, Little Women by: Louisa Alcott {1910}, Little Men by: Louisa Alcott {1910}, A German Bible from 1872, A German book of Psalms with Martin Luther's name on the title page from 1834, Victoria & Albert VHS {2001}, and White Christmas VHS {1954}. 

  What I'm wearing today: Tunic Top {from some friends}; White T-Shirt {Kohl's}; Jeans {J.C.Penny}; Boots {Target}; Sunglasses {Target}; Pearl Earrings {Gift}. 

This afternoon I created the above headband. Would any of you be interested in buying something like this in my Etsy shop? I would love to have your feedback!  =)

Y'all know the drill. Link up your last outfit for Keeping it Classy {Modest Fashion Week} below {link to the post, NOT your blog}. I am looking forward to seeing the last of your outfits! 


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