Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Memories Suite {Review + Giveaway}

I was so excited when My Memories contacted me about doing a review and giveaway for their My Memories Suite program. I've always eyed the scrapbooking programs at stores like Best Buy, but the price always scared me away from buying any of them. Plus, when I bought my Macbook last year, I thought I wouldn't ever be able to find a program that could work on a Mac, as most programs are for PC's. Of course, the first thing I checked out when they contacted me was to find out - do they work on Mac's? And they do! Which is awesome!

One of the nice things about the My Memories Suite program is there are no cd's. You just download the program directly to your computer. That means once you buy the program you can start downloading right away - there is no waiting for it to arrive. (I have a hard time waiting for packages to arrive if I really love the item within the package.) *laughs*

This is one of the pages I created for my trip out west.

What I love most about the program is that it is easy to work. It has a drop and drag system which I adore (which may only be because I have a Mac)! It makes it so easy to add photos to my projects. Want to know something else? You can add video and music too! Plus, you can use the program to make more than scrapbooking pages. There is a video that shows you everything about the site and program below.

Welcome to the Family! from Lisa Jurrens on Vimeo.

To enter to win your very own copy of My Memories Suite program leave a comment with your favorite things from the My Memories site. {This is mandatory to enter the giveaway} Also include some way to contact you. {Email, Etsy Username, Twitter....} 

More ways to Enter: {Be sure to leave separate comments for each thing you do.} 

- Follow Bramblewood Fashion
- Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or Tumblr.
- Follow My Memories on Twitter, Facebook, or Blog.
- Blog, Post, Tweet, Facebook, Pin about the giveaway. Leave one comment for EACH thing you do and link.

This giveaway will end on September 13th at 11PM {EST}. A winner will then be chosen at random and announced the next day. The winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize, or I'll pick a new winner. 

Also, there is a coupon code that everyone can use. The code will provide a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the MyMemories.com store - $20 value! The code is: STMMMS94657

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