Thursday, September 29, 2011

I ♥ Thursday {no. 14}

I adore these mustard oxford heels from Forever 21. I was going to buy them this weekend. The sad news. They are all out of size 7s. Oh, well, I hope they get back in stock within the next few weeks so I can buy them. *smiles*

Mustard colored tights? Seamed tights? Both from Forever 21 for $5.80 = l.o.v.e

I've been loving Jessica Quirk's outfits. If you don't read her blog, go check her out now!

I'm looking forward to seeing Courageous tomorrow night. Who else is going to see this?

I can't wait to watch The Winning Team {1952} with Ronald Reagan & Doris Day. What can better then a baseball movie with two of my favorite actors & actresses?

What are you loving this week?

p.s. Don't forget to enter the fingerless gloves giveaway that is going on right now!

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