Sunday, September 18, 2011

Girls Outing Downtown

You may have noticed, I haven't really been blogging this past week. There is a reason - I came down with a sore throat and cold last Tuesday morning {I still have the cold}. I had so many plans for this past week. Make cake pops & candy with my little sister, Abby. Start on a circle skirt for Casey's sew along. Refashion some clothes for the fall from my wardrobe. Start making little girls clothing, headbands, and doll clothes for my etsy shop. And I had some great ideas for blog posts this week. Instead I've been stuck in bed {except for Wednesday, when I went out for the afternoon. Which is why I'm writing this post.} watching movies & TV shows, coming up with outfit ideas, and dreaming of hair styles.

Now that you have some background on my week, you maybe wondering? If she was sick, why is the post titled, "Girls Outing Downtown." Well, my dearies. Gabrielle, Hanne-col, and I had been planning to meet up with a friend {Beth} for a girls outing in downtown Indy on Wednesday afternoon. My sore throat was gone, I had just a minor cold at that time, so I decided to go with my sisters downtown {I wasn't about to miss out on this adventure! I had to go}. I packed my thermos with plenty of orange juice for the trip and headed downtown. Here are a bunch of pictures of our little adventure. 

  Heading downtown

One of the places we had to stop at - a tea shop called, Teapots n Treasures. {You would love this place, Amber!} I was able to try out two teas, which I ended up simply adoring {which is not normal for me}. They were called, something Octoberfest and Pumpkin Chai. Yummy. 

Tea Sets

Then I spotted THE most WONDERFUL teapot/teacup! It was red with white polkadots. Very Cath Kidston. {I immediately thought of you, Acahia!} =)

Statue of William Henry Harrison.

Our friend, Beth.

Inside the State House.

It was beautiful!

Bust of George Rogers Clark.

Resting inside the State House.

We found an old US mail slot. {that is Hanne-col.}

After the State House we walked to the brand new 9-11 memorial. This is a beam from the World Trade Center. Want to know something amazing? Ten years later you can still smell the smoke in the steel{?} beam. 

More of the memorial. 

A beautiful bridge along our canal.

Me, Gabrielle, and Hanne-col.

And that was my adventure downtown. Though, I think all those hours in the cold walking around made my cold worse. But it was worth it. ;-)

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