Thursday, September 22, 2011

I ♥ Thursday {no. 13}

First off, the winner of the necklace & earrings set

Congratulations, Rachel! I'll be getting in touch with you soon! I might not have time today, because it is my dad's birthday and I have a huge dinner to cook for him. =)

Now, my favorites for this week.

My number one love of this week has to be Kate of The Small Things Blog. If you don't follow her already, you must go follow her now. Why? She is a professional hairstylist. Is very sweet and helpful! And has the most helpful hints and tutorials for styling your hair on her blog. She has one of those blogs were you always check to see of they wrote a new post. 

Essie nail polish. Love the colors, brush, packaging, and everything about it screams girly to me. l.o.v.e it! My favorite colors right now, that I own and are shown in the pictures, are a list & carry on, respectively. 

What is your favorite Essie color? Which one should I try next? ;-)
I'm loving this color combo right now. black+yellow+fuchsia =awesome! In fact, my outfit for today is this look. I also found out, I don't own one black cardigan or long sleeve shirt. Must put these items on my black Friday shopping list. Yes, I'm already making a black Friday shopping list.
There is something about this outfit that I love. Might be the skirt, boots, or jacket, or just the overall look. Not sure what. But I sure do love it. :)

Good News {1947} with Peter Lawford & June Allyson - My favorite dance number? The Varsity drag. But then again, any of the scenes with Peter Lawford dancing and singing are my favorite. {do you see the darling flowers on the girls heels? <3}

What have you been loving?

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