Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tissue Paper Pom-Poms DIY Tutorial

In this post I mentioned I was going to be making my own tissue paper pom-poms. Well, guess what girls? I tried it out this afternoon to get a feel for it and if it worked, take pictures for a tutorial. As you can tell from this post's title - it worked out like a dream! =) Without further ado, the tutorial to make your very own tissue paper pom-poms. 

You will need tissue paper {any color you want. I bought mine at Joann Fabrics.}; Ribbon {I'm using curling ribbon.}; and Scissors. 

Take a stack of about 8 - 10 sheets of tissue paper and start folding according style 1 - 1 1/2 inches. 

Once it is all folded, take a piece of ribbon {long enough to tie around the tissue paper and hang up your pom-pom} and tie it around the center of your tissue paper. 

Cut the ends with either a rounded, or pointed look. Depends on how you want your pom-poms to look. Be careful, it can be hard cutting through all those layers. :)

Open it up like a paper fan you used to make while growing up. 

Separate each layer of tissue paper gently, you don't want the tissue to rip. Then fluff out your pom-pom to get this look....

Look you created your very own tissue paper pom-pom! Go crazy and create a ton of these for weddings, parties, and just to decorate around your home.

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