Saturday, June 18, 2011

Preparing for Your Boudoir Session - Skin

I wanted to write a series about getting ready to have your boudoir photos taken. A lot of this advice is found elsewhere on my blog, website and in the client section of my website. However, I wanted to compile it all in one tidy place. Look forward to more posts about preparing for your boudoir session.

Starting with skin is logical since that is what you will be showing a lot of. Here are a few tips to help you look your best:

1. Sunscreen
I can't stress this enough. Slather it on every time you go out, even in the winter. The sun can do a lot of damage to your skin by aging it and drying it out. It is never too late to start. If your past includes lots of tanning and sunning yourself that's okay, just start now. Buy a daily face lotion with an SPF 15 or higher. Also get in the habit of applying an SPF containing body lotion as well. Your neck and chest are the most vulnerable to the aging effects of the sun followed by your hands and arms.

2. Tanning
If you feel like you MUST get a little color before your boudoir session (I don't recommend it) try going sunless since it's safer. Spray tans and self tanning lotions tend to look orange and fake under studio lighting so don't over do it. Try out the product weeks in advance so you know what to expect and how it will look on you. When you apply it again before your shoot I suggest doing it a week in advance so it will have time to fade into a natural color. Keep in mind that with editing and filters we can create a soft warm look to your photos, so don't worry if your skin in pale. Besides, natural-colored dewy skin is sexy, look in fashion magazines if you don't believe me.

3. Exfoliate
Scrub your skin with a good gentle exfoliating body wash. This will reveal beautiful glowing skin. It really does make a difference! Focus on your elbows, knees and heels where your skin tends to be dry and dull. Start this as soon as your book your session. If your skin appears a little red after exfoliating then do it the day before your session and not right before.

4. Moisturize
This is another thing to start doing the moment you book your session. Get in the habit of applying a light body lotion all over after your shower or bath. Again, remember to focus on your elbows, knees and heels. Your skin looks much younger when it's properly moisturized. Before your session you can apply a light lotion that absorbs well. Don't apply anything too greasy or shiny, it won't look nice in the pictures. 
Moisturize from within as well by drinking plenty of water. Your skin does look better when you aren't dehydrated. Drinking water will also prevent your body from retaining water which will help you feel a little slimmer.

5. Waxing/Shaving
If you have waxed before without any problems then just do so a few days before your session to give any redness and swelling a chance to disappear. Otherwise stick with shaving and do so the day of. However, you know your skin the best. Do whatever you know will look good. Besides legs and underarms don't forget your bikini line. Also schedule an appointment (or do it yourself if you want to) to have your eyebrows shaped.

6. Face
If you are having professional makeup done at the studio arrive with your face clean and moisturized, ready for makeup. Don't worry about any breakouts, makeup and a little digital retouching will take care of that. However, a handful of times we have rescheduled shoots for cold sores.

Remember these are all just tips and ideas. Do what works best for you or what is recommended by a doctor or dermatologist. Remember that you DON'T need to stress about your session. This list wasn't created to make you worry about doing and not doing a bunch of complicated things. You are beautiful and your pictures will show that!

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