Friday, June 3, 2011

Interview - Mrs. Amber Apple

Hello everyone! Sorry my posts haven't been the best lately and I've been sorta in action. :D But the wait is worth it. Trust me it is. For today I have a special post for y'all! An interview with my blogging friend, Amber Apple. We met on Tumblr sometime last year and have been talking to each other ever since on our blogs and elsewhere. :)

Ashley - Hello Amber! I’m delighted you will let me interview you today on dressing vintage everyday. First question, what inspired you to dress vintage everyday? 

Amber - This may sound really funny, but one day I realized that I only had one life to live. With this huge realization I decided I was going to do all the things I've always been afraid to do. First on my list was to live like it's the 1940's. My husband and I moved to a new city and I had a lot of time on my hands so I started researching about the 40's and 50's!

Ashley - What are your favorite eras to wear?

Amber - The 1940's and 1950's are my absolute favourite! 
Ashley - Who inspires you fashion wise?

Amber - The Queen of England, Ginger Rogers, Mary Costa, Elizabeth Taylor, Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn!
Ashley - What advice would you give someone who wanted to dress vintage everyday?

Amber - Don't be afraid to do it! You only have one life to live, make the most of every moment! I get a lot of  comments and compliments, but no matter what I still love dressing this way. Start with red lipstick and confidence and go from there! You will have people stop you and take your picture, that's always fun and flattering! :-)
Ashley - What stores do you recommend to buy vintage, or vintage inspired clothing? 

Amber - Etsy, ModCloth, Thrift Shops and pattern books...sewing your own skirts and dresses is sometimes the best way to go!
Ashley - Do you wear vintage, or vintage inspired shoes with your clothes? I know some of my readers will be interested in your answer. If you do, what stores do you shop?

Amber - Most of my shoes are from Etsy or local thrift shops. Vintage shoes are my favourite, but you can also buy vintage look a likes from shops like Urban Outfitters and ModCloth!

Ashley - What are some of your favorite pieces in your closet? 

Amber - I have a 1950's dress, 1960's skirt, 1940's hat (I love hats!) and I have a few vintage inspired dresses that I love! 
Ashley - Now, I know you wear your hair in vintage styles all the time. How would you encourage someone who wanted to wear there hair in a vintage look? Especially those who think they can never get “the” look. 

Amber - When I started wearing vintage hairstyles I realized that I had to see myself differently. I had to realize I wasn't going to look like anyone around me...I was going to look completely different. Hopefully, like I just stepped out of a time machine! So, that helped put things in perspective. Starting out, find an old hollywood star that shares your same face shape and try out some of the hair styles she does. There are some hair styles that will work and some that won't, but don't give up!
Ashley - What vintage blogs do you follow that are favorites? 

Amber - Yours of course! I also read An Ode to ReverieJustice PirateLivin' Vintage are a few I like to read! I have many, it usually takes me about two hours to read all of my favourite blogs! 

Ashley - What are your favorite movies to watch - fashion wise? Like what movies give you outfit ideas?

Amber - Easter Parade, On the Town, Follow the Fleet (I love Fred Astaire!), How to Marry a Millionaire, Top Hat to name a few! Most of my inspiration comes from vintage books and magazines!

Ashley thank you so much for interviewing me! This was soo fun and sweet!! I can't wait to meet some of your lovely readers and make new friends! 

Y'all can find Amber at the following places. =) 
{Blog} {Twitter} {Facebook} {Tumblr} {Pinterest} {YouTube}

And THANK YOU Amber for letting me interview you! :D

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