Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Splash Blog Party

So Lucia @ From Under my Little Umbrella and Robyn @ Virtuous Girlhood are hosting a blog party! They have a bunch of prizes that they are giving away and I'm hoping to win one. But I have never won anything from a blog party - yet. Maybe this will be the first. :p You know, there is always a first time for everything. I have won tons of general giveaways, but never during a blog party. 

Let's see what the questions are that I have answer. Um...ah, yes.  

What are two songs that describe you? I always dread these questions because I just don't know. Anyone have suggestions for me? Lol. Well, I'll just give you my top two songs that I'm playing nonstop right now. Alright? :) My Rifle, My Pony and Me - Dean Martin & Ricky Nelson (love this song!) and The Turntable Song - Deanna Durbin (simply charming and makes me want to buy a turntable. :P)

What do you most fear? Snakes, spiders, heights {yet, I love roller-costers and flying}, aquariums...I think that is it. :) 

What color(s) dominate(s) your wardrobe? Blue, red & some pink.

How do you normally do you hair? I go through phases. Right now I'm always wearing a bun or braid. I love having my hair up during the warm summer months.

Do you prefer milkshakes or smoothies? Milkshakes all the way! I LOVE, ADORE, ice-cream. If I'm given a choice between cookies or ice-cream. I will always pick ice-cream. 

Do you like the color pink? Here is a secret. I use to not like the color pink that much. I didn't get why girls loved the color pink. I was a blue girl. Now, it's a complete turnaround. I adore the color pink and can never get enough. Lol.

What is your favorite flower? Oh, I love so many flowers! Can I share a short list? Pretty please? Alright you don't mind. You love flowers too. ;-) Well, I adore Blue Flax, Red Poppies, Snapdragons, Foxgloves, Sunflowers, Forget-me-nots, Lilly-of-the-vally, Bleeding Hearts, and Roses. Now, this was a short list. I promise you. :)

How many states have you been to? Eep. So many. Let's see here...California, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Maryland, Virginia, Texas, Missouri,  Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, West Virginia, North Caroline, South Caroline, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Alabama, Nebraska, Tennessee, Kentucky, Iowa, New Mexico, Arizona, and there could be more from when I was just a baby. :p But I've been to almost every lower 48 states. My that's a lot! Here's a map to show all the states. :)

What is your favorite thing about June? It's the first month of summer! I adore summer. It also means that my birthday is only a month away. :)
Describe your "dream wedding location." I never really thought about my "dream wedding location" or much about what I want "my" wedding to look like. As I would want my fiance to be a huge part of deciding what our wedding should look like. But maybe in a field full of wildflowers, as I adore wildflowers! Or maybe just in a church. :) 

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