Friday, January 27, 2012

Why Do We Hate Our Stomachs?

I came across a cool blog today called Inside Out Style Blog.

They posted an article titled Why Do We Hate Our Stomachs So Much?
Imogen talks about how it's normal for women's stomachs to have a curve to them. Even most of the thinnest girls don't have flat stomachs. She also talks about how models are airbrushed to look "perfect" for public consumption.

This is dangerous thinking. I wanted to share this article. I hope you will read it. Just like the author, I also hear a lot of women with normal beautiful tummies complain about them to me. I do my best to highlight what you love and hide what you don't. I think I do a good job of this, but I also want you to love your body - all of it. Every women I have ever photographed is beautiful.

image is originally from Inside Out Style Blog

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