Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bear Bread + Red Velvet Cake

I was able to almost cross off one of the things on my 102 for 2012 list. As I baked three things inspired/recipes found by/on Pinterest. *grin*

Inspiration for the bear bread. Aren't they just adorable?!?
 The before & after picture of when creating the bear bread {this is also before rising again & baking}. Take a smallish piece of dough {think about dinner roll size} and roll into a ball. You will also need to roll two tiny balls of dough for ears. Attach them to the main dough ball {you will need to pinch them on}. Now add eyes and a mouth with raisins. Place it on a greased cookie sheet to rise again before baking.   
 The finished bear bread + 3 loves of bread. Some of the bears looked more like cats then bears once baked. :p
 Here I poped one of them into a large coffee cup. I can't get over how adorable they are!!
This is my first ever red velvet cake {recipe} I ever baked. I turned out ok. It wasn't as good as the first one I ever had over at a friends house. Now that was amazing. The homemade frosting {recipe} really turned out good for me. I used a piping bag to frost the cake {this was my first time frosting an entire cake with a piping bag} and it turned out kinda cute {I think I need to buy more tips though for different designs though}. 

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