Saturday, July 2, 2011

In the good old summertime Blog Party


I love the movie reference this blog party has {old readers may remember I did a movie review last year of this film}. Well anyways, I have found a blog party that has a true weakness for me - old movies! I can NOT let a blog party that includes old movies have me not attend. It's just not right. =) 

This week you have a chance to win either Casablanca on DVD or a Bottle-Cap necklace. I'm going for the Casablanca DVD. Why? It has one of my favorite actresses in it - Ingrid Bergman. Enough said.

Let's see here....what are the questions I have to answer? Ah, yes. Here they are.

1. What's your favorite 'old movie' of all time? {Anything before 1970s} - This is a very hard question for me. Why? Most of the movies I watch ARE before the 1970s. ;-) Also, I don't know if I can just pick one movie. I shall name my top three, or so. 

Roman Holiday {1953} (movie review)

It has Audrey Hepburn & Gregory Peck + takes place in Rome, Italy + She's a princess and they can't be together = One fabulous movie that I adore! 

You Can't Take it With You {1938} (movie review)

James Stewart and Jean Arthur are in it + it's directed by Frank Capra + has a great storyline = One darling film! 

Desperate Journey {1942} (movie review)

Steller cast {Errol Flynn, Ronald Reagen, Alan Hale, Ronald Sinclair} + the story has the feeling of a G.A. Henty book + it's a fun & exciting WW2 film = One movie I don't mind watching over and over again. =)

I think I'll stop there. I could mention more..*coughs* "Listen, Darling," "It Happened One Night," "His Girl Friday," "The Amazing Mrs. Holiday," "The Sound of Music," "High Society"....*ends coughing fit*

2. Who is your favorite b&w actor? Oh, dear. I really like the following actors {in no order}. Yes, I said "the following." ;-) Don't you guys know by now that I can never pick just one. Just saying. 

                                         Cary Grant                                       Freddie Bartholomew

                                          Ronald Reagan                       Donald O'Connor

                                          James Stewart                               Gregory Peck

                                         Errol Flynn                                       Gene Kelly

3. Who is your favorite b&w actress? Once again, I have more than one. ;-) But you knew that. 

 Audrey Hepburn                                     Grace Kelly

Jean Arthur                               Olivia de Havilland 

Deanna Durbin                                     Teresa Wright

Ingrid Bergman                                           Myrna Loy

4. Why do you love vintage/shabby-chic? You know what? I really don't know why. I just grew up watching old movies and loving their clothes! And the shabby-chic style is just - so me. It's vintage, girly, and if your talking home decor, a touch of country. 

5. What's your favorite era? (1920s, WWII, etc...) It would have to be between the 1940s & 50s. Most of the movies I watch and magazines I own are from the 40s. But the 1950s clothing looks much better on me, as do the early 1960s. 

So go check out Lizzy's blog now, the host of this charming blog party! Enter the blog party and do follow her blog!

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