Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pinterest Update

Did you read my blog post where I was wondering why Pinterest has a waiting list?
Well... actually you weren't missing much. But if you care for an update. I got an invite... finally. So yeah, I'll start pinning now. If you have a Pinterest account you should follow me, I will follow you back. I believe in symbiosis, I'm cool like that.

Ok, now for the fun part. Apparently I can invite 6 people to join Pinterest. I am am going to make a wild assumption that you don't need to be on the silly waiting list if you get an invite. So, let's just assume I am correct, and let's also assume I don't have any friends... that I can immediately think of sending an invite to (hey I do have friends, I do, really). So that means I guess I have six invites that I can give away to lucky readers of my blog.

Do you want an invite? Just follow me on Twitter @utahboudoir and send me a message saying you want an invite.

Here are the catches:
1. It's first come - first serve.
2. Don't get your feelings hurt if you are the 7th person to message me (or the 8th, 9th, 10th... you get the idea).
3. I can't guarantee this means you won't have to be on a waiting list.
4. I am not affiliated with Pinterest, they have no idea who I am, nor do I bet they even care.
6. My husband says Pinterest is lame and Google+ is cooler, just sayin'.

Update: Apparently I can send more than 6 Pinterest invites. So just message me on Twitter if you want one. Message me if you want a Google+ invite as well. I am happy to spread the love :)

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