Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pinterest Has a Waiting List?

Update: Do you want an invite?  Check out my latest Pinterest post.

Ok, before I start my rant. I just want to point out how much I LOVE all things "visual". I love color, composition, styling, etc... Check out my Polyvore post. I love inpiration boards. You know, cutting out inpiring images from magazines and pasting them to a board.
Apparently Pinterest is a digital version of this kinda like Polyvore/magazine clipping. So I intended to join by giving my email address and I get this message:

Thanks for joining the Pinterest waiting list. We'll be sure to send you an invite soon.
In the meantime, you can follow us on Twitter for Pinterest news and updates. You can also explore a few pinboards.
We're excited to get you pinning soon!
- Ben and the Pinterest Team
A waiting list? Serious? Along with my love of all things "visual" I should also state that I am also fickle. Moving on already. I have precious little time to surf and play around on the web for the amount of cool sites there are. I am not going to hang around on pins and needles waiting for my exclusive access.

Anyone know why Pinterest has a waiting list?

Ok, sorry for the rant, I will return you to your regularly scheduled boudoir posts soon. And in the meantime:

Happy 4th of July - Freedom Rocks

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