Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We'll be gone....

Starting tomorrow morning we'll be gone for a little over two weeks on vacation. We are going to LA for Gabrielle & I to attend Costume College (will anyone be there?) and on the way there, and back, we will be stopping at National parks.   

Friday there will be a prescheduled post going up (you will love it!) and I may, or may not post while in LA. It depends on the internet connection if it is weak or strong. I will post some costume college updates on Bramblewood Fashion's Facebook page, so keep an eye on it next week. ;)

I will have internet connection every night while I'm gone. So I will check blogger, twitter, facebook, and my emails while gone (maybe not every night, but some nights). =) I may, or may not get back with right away though if you contact me while I'm gone. So keep that in mind. 

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