Sunday, July 10, 2011

30 for 30 Remix - Outfit 29 & 30

Summer Shade Jumper made by me / White Blouse Kohl's / Tan Boots Target / Eiffel Tower Earrings Etsy / (not pictured) Yellow Striped Cardigan Target 

Chambray Tunic J.C. Penny / White Tank J.C. Penny / Jeans J.C. Penny / Tan Boots Target / Eiffel Tower Etsy 

Girls I finished the 30 for 30 remix today! I can wear what ever I want now. Who knew I could find this so exciting? Not me. :p The problem now. I don't know what to wear tomorrow. I have too many choices to pick from. =) 

For my first outfit today {my birthday jumper/dress} I didn't wear the boots to church {I only wore them for taking pictures in the field.} instead I wore my pumps. I also wore my yellow striped cardigan. That means I wore three patterns to church. I'm getting better at this pattern mixing thing. =) And guess what? I never wore the same thing twice during this whole challenge. Now that was hard.

Oh guess what? I have all the winners picked out for the 21 giveaways. But they won't be revealed until tomorrow after I come back from work. So around 3:30PM - 4:30PM the list will be posted. Just so you know. ;-)

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