Thursday, July 14, 2011

Inspiration - Home Decor

I know this is a fashion blog, but you wouldn't mind if I share some home decor pictures do you? Sometimes a girl needs a little variety. That would be me. If you think this is a bad idea - let me know. 

 I adore the furniture in this picture.

There's something about the softness against the brick wall. It just draws me in. 

 I've always loved this idea of painting designs on stairs. Ever since I saw an episode of Debbie Travis Facelift (this was one of my favorite shows on HGTV - I never missed an episode).

I normally don't like open shelves in kitchens for the dishes. But I adore this kitchen! Maybe it's the color scheme, the cabinets, or it has my favorite sink ever!  

Here's another bedroom I love! The headboard, bedding, and color scheme is simply perfect!

 I've loved the idea of using old doors for headboards since the second season (I think it was the second season. They were designing a room at the Grand Ole Opry.) on Design Star on HGTV. Can you tell I enjoy watching HGTV? ;)

I like the clean, vintage, yet shabby chic look of this dining room. 

Do you enjoy these looks? Or is this so not your style! =)

Let me know if you like me doing this. :) And I'll do it again - otherwise I'll stop.

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