Tuesday, July 5, 2011

30 for 30 Remix - Outfit 24

Summer Shade Jumper made by me / White Jacket made by me / Eiffel Tower earrings Etsy / Tan boots Target

Here is the final result of my 21st birthday dress/jumper! I used Marie-Madeline Studio's Summer Shade Jumper pattern and the buttons are from the 1940s! How cool is that? I took in the jumper a little bit on top so I can also wear it as a sundress - I just have to move the buttons up more on the straps (they are a little too low right now, if you know what I mean). If you haven't tried out this pattern yet you must! It is so easy to sew and fit! 

I want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday today! It means a lot to me - really it does. :) I had a wonderful birthday today. While at work today, I was able to spend the day with a dear friend of mine. We were able to talk during our little breaks and drink tea. It was wonderful! My party was a blast! My sisters did a wonderful job decorating the room. I'll try and post pictures tomorrow of the party - it turned out very vintage-y. =) I also received wonderful gifts from my family & friends! 

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