Tuesday, July 5, 2011

21st Birthday Giveaway Gala - Colette Patterns (CLOSED)

Our final giveaway for today is sponsored by Colette patterns.

I recently discovered Colette patterns {like last Fall or this Spring} and I'm in LOVE with all of their patterns! And next year I'm going to use the Crepe dress pattern for my 22nd birthday dress. Yes, I've already picked out the pattern for my birthday dress next year. =) I just have to buy the pattern and fabric. ;-)

Now before I can tell you what Colette patterns is giving one of you. I have to share with y'all some of my favorites. You don't mind right? ;-)

Want to know what one of you will be winning? Well, the winner gets to pick out the pattern of their choice. I wish I could be that person who wins. ;-)

Mandatory to enter: Leave a comment with your favorite pattern, or patterns from Colette PatternsPlease include some way for me to contact you too {blog/twitter/email/Etsy username}.

::More ways you can enter:: {Please leave a separate comment for EACH thing you do, thank you! Otherwise they won't count.}

- "Like" Colette Patterns on Facebook
- Follow Bramblewood Fashion {let me know how you follow}
- Follow Bramblewood Fashion on Twitter
- "Like" Bramblewood Fashion on Facebook
- Blog, Facebook, Tweet, etc...about the giveaway. {Leave link in comment.} {You can do all three, just leave a separate comment for each one you do.}
- Post the giveaway button on your blog sidebar.

Bramblewood Fashion

This giveaway is open internationally. The giveaway will end this Saturday, July 9th, at 11PM {EST}. The winner will then be picked at random and announced either the next day, Sunday. Or sometime on Monday or Tuesday. =) The winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize before a new one is chosen. So be sure to read the blog early next week

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