Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bramblewood Fashion's 2nd Blog Birthday!

Guess what everyone?!? Yesterday was Bramblewood Fashion's 2nd birthday. It marks the day I came up with the name, Bramblewood Fashion and I started this blog. How exciting! Maybe to mark the occasion I should buy a vintage magazine off of Etsy. ;-) But then again, Etsy, Amazon, iTunes, and Target are awful for my wallet. :p Those four stores tempt me like no other stores. Unless you count fabric stores & antique malls too. *laughs* If you really want to know. I'm just looking for a really good reason to buy some magazines I found on Etsy yesterday. 

Back to Bramblewood Fashion's birthday. You can read my post for the blog's first birthday here. Or maybe you would like to see my two first posts back in 2009. {post 1. post 2.}

Within these two past years my blog has grown by leaps and bounds. Why only last year I had 158 GFC followers. It is amazing how many of you read my blog. I have been able to meet so many people through my blog. It has also open the doors for me to meet and become friends with some of my favorite people in the blogging world {as we have met in person and are real life friends now}. Two of them are Emily Rose & Breezy Brookshire and the Long Ladies.  

It has been great getting to know you all these past two years. I look forward to getting to know more of you in the coming year. Also this coming year for my blog I have lots of fun, and new things planned for y'all! I'm pondering the idea of doing a sew along (I love these!), or maybe even doing a sewing class online. If you have any ideas on what you would like to see on the blog. Let me know in a comment below. =) 

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