I'm linking up @ The Vintage Apple for a fun event I just discovered this week called, How Pinteresting Wednesday. I adore pinterest. It is a great way to save pictures that you find on the web - like a giant bulletin board, but on the web. If you aren't on already you must join this wonderful site. If you want an invite, just drop me a line (bramblewoodfashion {at} hotmail {dot} com) and I'll give one to you. =)
The headboard is amazing - as is the wallpaper! Then we have a simply adorable little outfit. Gingham + Ruffles + Stripes = ♥
Darling dress. I've been eyeing this cape that Leighton Meester wears ever since I saw Disney's version on Ruffles & Stuff.
This photo is just plain adorable & sweet! How can you not love it?!? Then we have an adorable cardigan with a dress {which I would turn into a skirt}.
Someday I want to try this. Dip balloons into chocolate. Pop when harden. Add ice cream!
This was so much fun! I could have done more photos but decided to stop. ;-)
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