Monday, August 8, 2011

::Giveaway:: Vintage Chick Designs {Etsy}

I was so excited when Amy of Vintage Chick Designs contacted me about doing a giveaway. Of course I said yes, as you can all tell, otherwise you wouldn't be seeing this post. *laughs* 

First off, a little bit about Amy from Amy herself.

I am a wife, mom of one, work full-time, and have a love for vintage everything. I love to decorate, design and create jewelry, and use my creativity whenever possible. I love promoting and encouraging other small businesses, and love stumbling upon inspiring blogs, shops, etc.

Now before I show you what one lucky girl will be winning, let me show you a few of my favorite things from her shop.

~ The Prize ~

This beautiful necklace will go to one, very lucky girl. It's so pretty and vintage-y. Is it not?

Mandatory to Enter the Giveaway
  • Like Vintage Chick Designs on Facebook and leave a comment ON THIS POST letting me know you did. (If you can, leave someway to contact you too. Etsy username, Twitter, or email is best.)

::Other Ways To Earn More Entries:: (Just leave a separate comment for EACH entry, otherwise they won't count because I use to pick the winner.) 
  • Leave a comment with your favorite thing(s) from Vintage Chick Designs

  • Add Vintage Chick Designs to your Etsy favorites.

  • Add Vintage Chick Designs to your Etsy Circle.

  • Follow Vintage Chick Designs blog.

  • Like Bramblewood Fashion on Facebook.

  • Follow Bramblewood Fashion blog.

  • Follow Bramblewood Fashion on Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Etsy.... (You can follow me through all four, or less, just leave a comment for each one you do.)

  • Email four friends about the giveaway.

  • Post about the giveaway on your blog, facebook, pinterest, tumblr.... {include the link in your comment}

  • Tweet the following on Twitter: #Giveaway @BramblewoodF for a necklace from Vintage Chick Designs. Ends 8/15 @ Midnight {EST}. RT

  • Add the giveaway button to your blog sidebar. {button can be found on my sidebar. (at the top)}

  • Buy something from Vintage Chick Designs.

This giveaway is only open to those in the living in the USA. Sorry international readers. The giveaway will end next Monday, August 15th at Midnight {EST}. A winner will then be picked at random the next day and posted on the blog. 

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