Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm Back + A Movie Game

Hello my dear readers! I'm back home from my vacation and I'm ready to post again. In my last post many of you left questions for me. I'll get around to answering all of your questions later this week either in a comment on that post, or in a post. 

I thought it would be fun to kick off this week with a little movie game. I'll post pictures and quotes from different movies and maybe a TV show or two. Then you all will leave a comment guessing were each one is from. On Saturday I'll post the winners and tell the names of any movies no one guesses. Try not to use Google, TCM, or IMDB when guessing. ;-) Ready for the game to start? On your marks. Get set. Go. Start guessing! 

*hint* Most of these are from movies & TV shows before 1970. Though some are from newer movies & TV shows. =)

1. Character 1: Darling, the less you know, or appear to know, the better. 
Character 2: That's what my mother told me the night I came out in Boston.

2. Character 1: Hold on to yourself, Bartlett. You're twenty feet short. 
Character 2: What do you mean, twenty feet short? 
Character 1: You're twenty feet short of the woods. The hole is right here in open. The guard is between us and the lights.

3. Character 1: Sorry we were gone so long, but we had to pick up Hank! 

4. Character 1: There even are places where English completely disappears; in America they haven't used it for years.

5. Character 1: I'm going to have a foal!

6. Character 1: [very serious] Do you swear allegiance to the Treehuse Club? 
Character 2: [solemn] I do. 
Character 1: And if the Ninth Street Club asks you to join their club? 
Character 2: I will laugh in their faces. 
Character 3: [whispering] Florence! You're *supposed* to say, 'I will decline'! 
Character 2: Oh. 
[very seriously] 
Character 2: I will decline... and laugh. 




9. Character 1: Have you ever married? 
Character 2: No. 
Character 1: Have you ever been in love? 
Character 2: Yes I have. Tell me what kind of paper does this school run? 
Character 1: Oh, all the students read it. 
Character 2: I'll bet they do.


11. Character 1: Taxes we do not like.

12. Character 1: It's just like my Aunt Agnes used to say...

13. Character 1: Trailer brakes first! 



16. Character 1: A mother's love holds fast and forever. A girl's love is like a puff of smoke - it changes with every wind.

17. Character 1: This place just gets weirder and weirder!

18. Character 1: I'm tired. 
Character 2: What? After a nice refreshing sleep in the green wood? 
Character 1: I pulled seven acorns out of my ribs. 
Character 2: Lovely, fresh air... 
Character 1: My teeth ache with chattering. 
Character 2: Nightingales singing... 
Character 1: An owl hooting in my ear. 
Character 2: Hooting? He was singing you to sleep! 



21. Character 1: They're running! They're getting away! 
Character 2: No they're not. We're going after them! 
Character 1: Hey, wait a minute! They outnumber us three to one! 
Character 2: Well, if it makes you nervous, don't count 'em. 


23. Character 1: You're never safe from surprise until you're dead.


25. Character 1: There's nothing in the rule book that says one team can't jump higher than the other.

Have fun guessing! =) Also, tomorrow there will be a giveaway for something simply wonderful! I'm so jealous of the winner.  

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