Saturday, July 3, 2010

Shout it! - Day 3

-What I'm Wearing-

Polka-dot Blouse - SO Kohl's
Blue Belt - Came with blouse
Khaki Capri's - Lee Kohl's 
Gold Flats - American Eagle Payless
White T-shirt - SO Kohl's
Pearl Earrings - Gift

Today is day three of Natasha's Fashion Week! I'm wearing an old outfit today, one I have had for several years now. But, I still pull it out and wear it ever so often. =)

I won't be posting tomorrow, and maybe not on the 5th either. As we will be out of town for the 4th of July and my birthday. =) We will be coming back home on the 5th, but that being my birthday and all I may not have time to post.  I will still take outfit pictures but won't be able to post them until we get back.

And no, I haven't forgotten my promised 1940s skirt pictures. They are coming up next. =)


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