Saturday, July 3, 2010

The 1940s (Sewing Through the Decades Challenge)

This week for the Sewing Through the Decades Challenge it was the 1940s. And I had the perfect inspiration - a patchwork skirt! Looking through the book, Forties Fashion by Jonathan Walford I found these lovely pictures.

1940s Inspiration One

1940s Inspiration Two

Taking those pictures for inspiration, I started sewing scraps of fabric together to create my very own patchwork skirt. And I must say, "I LOVE it!"  Someday I will recreate the shirt also.  =)

1940s (Sewing Through the Decades Challenge)

Front of Skirt - 1940s (Sewing Throught the Decades Challenge)
Front of skirt

1940s - Back of Skirt (Sewing Through the Decades Challenge)
Back of skirt

Next week, the 1950s!!! And I already have a head start! =)


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