Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Winner of journal/diary giveaway!

First off, thank you to everyone who entered! We had 107 entries! Which is the most we have ever had, so far, for a giveaway. ;-) I wish all of you could win, but sadly there is only one winner.
So without any further ado, the winner of this beautiful journal/diary is.....

 Breezy of

Congratulations, Breezy! This is so exciting that you won! By the way girls, if you love paper dolls you have to see Breezy and her sister, Emily Rose, paper dolls they created. Their paper dolls are modestly dressed, and are of strong Christian ladies throughout history. My sisters and I love them!  =)  I just had to let you all know about their wonderful paper dolls. =) Hope you don't mind, Breezy. 


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