Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Winners of AOGG Fashion Week!

Well everyone, we have our winners now! Are you excited to find out who they are? I know I am. =)

For the Modern Anne category we have a tie. Meaning we have two winners! Hurray!!!


Beth Ann of Genuine Beauty

For the Costumes of Anne category we have a four way tie! =) How exciting!

Marianne Dashwood of The Dashwood Sisters

 Our winner for the Crafty Anne category is....

Samantha of Simple Delights

How Anne Effect Your Life category we also have one winner. 

Beth Ann of Genuine Beauty
For our last category Drama Club, our winner is one who made me catch my breath, and almost freak out! 
  Marianne Dashwood of The Dashwood Ladies

Congratulations girls!!! You may all take one of the banners I made below to display on your blog.  Just save the picture you want on your computer and upload onto your blog.


This was so fun much girls! We must do it again soon. How about a Modest Fashion Week in October? Sound good? Let me know if you would be interested below in a comment. =)


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