Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jane Austen Tour - Marianne Dashwood Costume

Feelin' Feminine is hosting a Jane Austen tour (like my AOGG fashion week) and I will be joining in for a few days. =)

The first thing I will be sharing is my Marianne Dashwood outfit, that I copied from the 1995 version of Sense & Sensibility


I recreated this outfit of Marianne Dashwood back in 2008, for a trip to Williamsburg, VA. I only had one problem. I forgot to add sleeves to the pelisse! But it's OK, as it still works with out the sleeves. =) 


Patterns I used:
Elegant Ladies Closet Pattern - (Click here to view more details)
Regency Spencer Pelisse Pattern - (Click here to view more details)  - I changed the design of the Pelisse to match the one in the movie, Sense & Sensibility (1995).


White strip voile for the dress and yellow broadcloth for the pelisse.

::My Version::

Now, these pictures are my Senior pictures. Which explanations how my hair suddenly got so long, and why I have different glasses on. =)

These pictures are definitely some of my favorite pictures. And don't you just the house in the background?!? A bunch of girls call it Pemberly, and we wish could live there. =)


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