Wednesday, July 21, 2010

30 Day Challenge - Day 3

Day 8: {A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life. Favorite City for Food}

I decided to change today's challenge to, favorite city for food. =) Before I was gluten-free my favorite city for food was/is Boston, MA. There is this part of Boston called, Little Italy and they have the most awesome food down there!  Like when I was there in 2008, we went to this little diner in Little Italy and they had the best cheese pizza I ever had. And get this, I don't normally like cheese pizza. I'm more a pepperoni, or onions and sausage girl. Yummy!  But wait, there is one more yummy place to go to. Like Mike's Pastry! THE best bakery ever! I have had a canola, cookies, Oreo cake (I get this at least once every time I visit Boston), eclair, whoopie pie, and homemade ice-cream. They are all simply scrumptious. You must check it out when ever you are in Boston.  ;-)     

Day 9: {A photo you took.}

 Piccadilly Circus, London, UK (2009)

Day 10: {A photo of you taken over ten years ago.}

This picture is way over ten years ago. More like, sixteen years ago. =) This is a picture of me and Gabrielle back in '94, I think. 

Day 11: {A photo of you taken recently.}

{Last week}


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