Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Anne of Green Gables" Fashion Week has officialy begun!

Today is the start of the week long fun event, Anne of Green Gables Fashion Week! I am so excited to be hosting my very first event! After participating in all of AmandaBeth Online's events and several other others, hosted by various bloggers, I decided it was high time I hosted one myself!

Through out the event, I will have a Mr. Linky at the end of all of my posts, and a link to our group flickr for those without a blog. And to let you know, Gabrielle and I will both be posting this week, but only my post will have Mr. Linky in them. I thought I should clarify this so there isn't any confusion through out the week. =) 

Remember, you don't have to do just fashion posts. Here is a refresher on all of the different categories you can do posts on through out the week.

  • Modern Anne (Wear what Anne might wear today.) [For ideas look at this post, this post, this post, and this post.] =)
  • Costumes of Anne (Show off those costumes/dresses/skirts/you name it that were inspired by the movies, or books.)
  •  Crafty Anne (Make something for the event that is inspired by Anne.) 
  • How Anne Has Effected Your Life. (Write a blog post on how Anne has effected your life.)
  • Drama Club - (Write a story or poem, sing a song, create a play or movie, paint/draw a picture about Anne. Go all out and have fun!)
When you write up your posts, do include in your post (or title) what category it is for. This will make it a lot easier for me, when I go through all the posts and organize them for voting for all of the winners. Also include a link back to my blog in your post.

And please remember, when linking up your post each day in Mr. Linky do a direct link to your post, NOT your blog.


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