Wednesday, July 14, 2010

AOGG Fashion Week Day 4 - My "Diana" Costume

-What I'm Wearing-
Light Pink Twill Skirt - S&S Patterns: 1909 "Beatrix" Skirt Pattern
Cream Shirtwaist - S&S Patterns: 1909 "Beatrix" Shirtwaist Pattern (You can see the back of my shirtwaist on the pattern page.)
Brown T-strap Heels - Naturalizer
Pearl Necklace & Earrings - Gift

This this outfit is the closest I have ever come to copying one of the costumes in the Anne of Green Gables movies. And even then, it was not on purpose. The fabrics I choose just happened to look a little like those Diana wears in the beginning of Anne of Avonlea.

See, the movie influenced me in my fabric choices and I didn't even realize it until others pointed it out to me. =)

Now it is your turn to share your post for today. Remember, if you don't have a blog, you can upload your pictures on our group flickr, here. Otherwise, link up your post for today, below. =)


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