Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Inspiration - Fashion/Baking/Crafts

{all pictures were found on pinterest.}

I love all of the outfits in these pictures. I'm really looking forward to copying some of these styles in the coming months. You know what? I find that every year my style changes. What about you? Do you find your style changing? Or, have you already developed your style?

{all pictures from pinterest.}

Why is it when your sick all you want to do is make things? These are just a few things that are tempting me right now: mint brownies, ruffle cake, pretzel bites, doughnut muffins. Just the norm you know. 

 {all pictures from pinterest.}

I've also been really in the mood to sew and craft. It's nuts. I really can't wait to get better now, that way I can do crafts, sew, bake, and style outfits to my heart's content. *smile*

What's been inspiring you lately?

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