Sunday, November 13, 2011

Giveaway - Pure Beauty {Etsy}

{Etsy} {Blog

Emily was supposed to be our second giveaway sponsor yesterday. But due to some difficulties it has been post-poned to today. I'm sure y'all don't mind? *grin* 

Pure Beauty is filled with fun, unique, and beautiful jewelry. Some of my favorites are the following...
 And one of you will win these fun Mountain Dew earrings.

::Mandatory to enter the giveaway::
Visit Pure Beauty and comment with your favorite thing{s}.
For more entries do one, or all of the following. Just leave a separate comment for EACH entry {example: 3 entries = 3 comments}. Otherwise, all the entry numbers won't count as I will draw the winner using
- Heart Pure Beauty{1 entry}
- Add Pure Beauty to your Etsy circle {1 entry}
- Buy something from Pure Beauty {10 entries}
- Follow her blog {2 entries}
- Follow Bramblewood Fashion via GFC or Bloglovin' {1 entry}
- Follow Bramblewood Fashion on Twitter or Facebook {1 entry for EACH one you do}
- Blog, Facebook, Tweet, Pin, Tumble, etc....about the giveaway {3 entries for EACH one you do}
- Email about the giveaway to four friends {3 entries}
That's it. This giveaway is only open to residents of US. The giveaway ends on November 19th @ 11PM {EST}. A winner will then be selected at random and announced either the next day, Sunday, or on Monday.

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