Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lilla Rose Flexi Clip Review & Giveaway {CLOSED}

Way back in early February, I was asked to do a product review of the Lilla Rose Flexi Clip. I thought about it, looked over the website and decided to do it. I've just taken a long time on my part on getting this review going. Sorry about that.
After pouring over the website trying to pick the clip I want to review. I finally decided on the pink fairy. Let me tell you girls, it was so hard to choose just one. They have a wide selection of clips, one for everyone's style; which is wonderful!

I picked the small size, though I should of picked a smaller size for the way I fix my hair. I didn't realized how thin my hair was until I tried this out. I can still use this and I LOVE it!!! I love that the pin is attached to the clip. Meaning you won't be loosing pieces. If you are like me, I'm always loosing things, so this is great.

I wanted to have pictures of me wearing my flexi clip, but my photographer, A.K.A. Gabrielle, came down sick this weekend. :(

But, I do have wonderful news!!! Jennifer Allen, who contacted me about doing this review also wants to give one of you the flexi clip of your choice!!!

How to enter the giveaway -

  • Visit Lilla Rose and tell me which is your favorite flexi clip and what size you want. (Watch this video to find out your size.) {Include in your comment some way for me to contact you. Email, or blog will work. If you don't want your email published, leave a separate comment with just your email and a note.}
More ways you can enter {Please leave a separate comment for EACH thing you do, thank you!}:
  • "Like" Lilla Rose Clips on Facebook
  • Follow Jennifer Allen {Lilla Rose Clips} on Twitter
  • "Like" Bramblewood Fashion on Facebook
  • Follow Bramblewood Fashion 
  • Blog, Facebook, or Tweet about the giveaway. {Leave a link in the comment. You can do all three just leave a separate comment for each one.}
This giveaway is only open to those in the USA. The giveaway will end on April 3rd at 11 PM {EST}. The winner will then be chosen at random, using random.org, and announced the next day. 

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