Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog Award Time

I figured it was about time I posted all the awards Bramblewood Fashion was given in February and March. Late I know. =)

I have been award the Stylish Blogger Award, three times, The Versatile Blogger and the 7 Facts Blog Award.

Thank you, Shealynn, Nina, Riah, and Amber!! =)

The rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Write seven things about yourself.
3. Pass on to seven other bloggers.
4. Tell the seven awardees of their award!

For the awards I will just do seven random things about myself. As I don't think I can come up 35 random different things. :p 

1. My mom taught me how to sew the basics. But I learned how to sew clothing/costumes on my own through books and websites/blogs.

2. Peppermint is my favorite flavor ever.

3. Growing up one of my favorite TV shows was Liberty Kids. Anyone watch that show?

4. I use to hate dark chocolate and milk chocolate was only ok. I only liked white chocolate. Now it has switched. I adore dark & milk chocolate and dislike white. :p

5. I have been to London, UK. It was for Mrs. Chancey's first Historical Costume Trip. {my posts are here.}

6. I love collecting patterns. I have over 200 right now {modern/vintage/costume}. I also love collection vintage magazines and books.

7. My favorite era for movies are the 1940s.

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