Monday, March 7, 2011

Epically Epic Soap Giveaway {CLOSED}

The other week I bought some lip balms and lip tints from Epically Epic Soap. Let me tell you, they are amazing! Allison has some wonderful flavors for sale in her etsy shop. Wondering what flavors I bought? Well, I bought the Vanilla Coke lip balm {so yummy!}, Passion Fruit Rose lip tint {this one I didn't care for. But Gabrielle loves passion fruit so I gave it to her.}, Red Velvet Cake lip tint {tastes just like red velvet cake. The color is a nice red.}, and the Red Clove lip tint {amazing flavor! The color is like a woodsy red. Very pretty}.

I'm already planning what I want to try next. Like the ROSA Rose lip tint, Chai Tea lip tint, Mint Chocolate Espresso lip balm, Marshmallow Epic lip balm, Shamrock Shake lip balm, and the Pumpkin Pie lip balm. They all sound so good!

I was thrilled when Allison agreed to sponsor a giveaway! I know you will all love her shop. I mean it. The best part, you can pick what lip balm or tint you want! AND this giveaway is open to International readers. =)

How to enter the giveaway -
  • Visit Epically Epic Soap and tell me which is your favorite lip balm or tint. {Include in your comment some way for me to contact you. Etsy username, email, or blog will work. If you don't want your email published, leave a separate comment with just your email and a note.}
More ways you can enter {Please leave a separate comment for EACH thing you do, thank you!}:  
This giveaway is open to everyone. The giveaway will end on March 15th at 10PM {EST}. The winner will then be chosen at random {using} and will be announced the next day.


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