Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year, everyone!!!

From Ashley & Gabrielle.

Top Ten Popular Posts for 2011 on BF

I thought it would be fun to share what ten posts were popular this year on Bramblewood Fashion {not all of these posts are from 2011}.

1. DIY Vintage Hairstyle's {Achieving a Vintage Look Part 3}
2. Who Inspires Me (Fashion Wise) - Grace Kelly
3. 1940's Make-Up {Achieving a Vintage Look Part 2}
4. Nancy Drew's Style
5. Who Inspires Me (Fashion Wise) - Audrey Hepburn
6. 1939/1940 Fall/Winter Sears & Roebuck Catalog
7. Tissue Paper Pom-Poms DIY Tutorial
8. "Anne of Green Gables" Style for Today
9. Who Inspires Me (Fashion Wise) - Judy Garland
10. 2011 Fall Trends

What was your favorite post{s}, outfit, blogging series, idea, event, etc... on Bramblewood Fashion this year?

102 in 2012

I saw this lovely idea over at Simply Delights and decided to join in! Once I accomplish one of the things on my list, I'll post about it here. Sound fun?

1. Reach 20 sales on my Etsy shop.
2. Sew a Historical Costume.
3. Try exercising more.
4. Bake five things from recipes found from Pinterest.
5. Do five beauty recipes found from Pinterest.
6. Reach 600+ GFC followers.
7. Buy the Deanna Durbin's DVD set.
8. Buy a vintage dress.
9. Make donuts.
10. Make Gelato.
11. Read more books.
12. Get rid of clothes I rarely wear.
13. Buy clothes that are more my style and fit well.
14. Do more outfit posts.
15. Organize my closet and dresser top better.
16. Make pretzels.
17. Try a French Macaroon
18. Do a Q&A post on my blog
19. Own a pair of red shoes {that aren't TOM's}
20. Buy zippers off of Etsy.
21. Do learn-how-to-sew posts on the blog.
22. Try another Starbucks coffee besides a Peppermint Mocha. {ideas?}
23. Drink more tea/chai.
24. Host a tea party with some friends.
25. Own something Cath Kidston.
26. Buy something off of HauteLook.
27. Film more YouTube videos.
28. Write more movie reviews
29. Work on my recipe folder.
30. Master vintage hairstyling.
31. Do product reviews on the blog.
32. Read a Shakespeare play.
33. Redo my Summer Wardrobe.
34. Try out more hairstyles.
35. Learn how to use a flat iron.
36. Learn how to use a treadle sewing machine.
37. Organize my sewing room better.
38. Do more tutorial's on the blog.
39. Watch Downton Abbey Season 1 & 2 {for the first time}.
40. Watch Gone With the Wind {for the first time}.
41. Learn to use a 1 1/2" curling iron.
42. Try out other nail polish brands and colors.
43. Watch Sherlock Season 1 {I've only seen clips}.
44. Finish Robin Hood BBC Season 2 & 3.
45. Buy a turntable {record player}.
46. Cook more Southern foods.
47. Buy a vintage traincase.
48. Try out more e.l.f products.
49. Join Birchbox & do box reviews.
50. Refashion a stack of clothes that are sitting in my sewing room.
51. Finish sewing projets I started years ago.
52. Do a blog sale. {sell things I no longer want on the blog.}
53. Make a pill box hat.
54. Learn how to quilt.
55. Do more embroidery.
56. Make custom skirts an option in my Etsy shop.
57. Sew more aprons.
58. Learn the secret to homemade frosting.
59. Learn to using a piping bag for decorating cake's, cookies, and cupcakes.
60. Get my Drivers License.
61. Buy a nice watch.
62. Work on my novel: Rose of the Titanic {that is the working title}.
63. Do more vintage magazine scan posts.
64. Memorize more Bible veres.
65. Make a short film with my siblings.
66. Be in two places at once.
67. Do more painting.
68. Fill an art journal.
69. Design more of my own sewing patterns.
70. Try out new products for my Etsy shop.
71. Recreate a ModCloth dress.
72. Sew a Paper Bag Skirt.
73. Try making lip balm.
74. Make up my own recipes.
75. Sew my dream nightgown.
76. Create a fashion sketch book {and keep it that}.
77. See a shooting star.
78. Learn the words to my favorite songs.
79. Buy a StyleMint Tee.
80. Go singing in the rain.
81. Buy a pair of wellies.
82. Go on a hayride.
83. Learn to do more tap dancing steps.
84. Learn swing dancing.
85. Memorize a poem.
86. Do another 30 items for 30 days challenge.
87. Host a blog event every season this year {Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall}.
88. Sew the Beignet skirt by Colette Patterns.
89. Do more sewing pattern reviews.
90. Buy something from
91. Wear more hats.
92. Find a way to incorporate leopard print into my wardrobe.
93. Find ways to add sparkle/sequins/glitter into my wardrobe.
94. Come up with new dinner ideas for my days to cook.
95. Work more on my quote, verses, and poems notebook.
96. Buy & see The Magic of Ordinary Days.
97. Write book reviews on the blog.
98. Film a skirt sizing video for my Etsy shop.
99. Buy the Shabby Apple dress, Washington Square Park.
100. Find the perfect trench coat.
101. Share more pictures & recipes of my latest cooking/baking.
102. Make my own Lilly Pulitzer inspired dress.

Friday, December 30, 2011

What I Wore - Jewel Tones + Lace

Cardigan Target// Poodle Skirt made by me// Lace Blouse F21// Belt Kohl's// Earrings Christmas gift {Lauren Conrad for Kohl's}// Oxford Heels F21// Pink Sheer Tights J.C.Penny// Vintage Purse Antique Mall
I adore this outfit. It is a new combination - well, I hardly wear the same combination twice {unless I really love the look. Then I'll wear it a bunch of times}. *grin* 

Well, I better get going. Tonight is movie night and......oh, dear....the cookies are starting to smell like they are burning. I better fly! Don't forget to check the details for the big blog event next year

Going Through the Era's Blog Event

I'm so excited to be announcing next years HUGE blog event! Going Through the Era's by: Cooking, Crafting, & Sewing! But we will be doing much more than that. In fact, there is going to be a theme for each day of the week for 5 weeks!! Yes, this blog event is going to last for 5 weeks! Isn't that amazing!?! If someone does every day for 5 weeks I'll be surprised. *grin*

Week Schedule for the event:
March 4th - 10th (Week 1) - 1930s
March 11th - 17th (Week 2) - 1940s
March 18th - 24th (Week 3) - 1950s
March 25th - 31st (Week 4) - 1960s
April 1st - 7th (Week 5) - 1970s/or your favorite era

Days of the Week theme Schedule:
Sunday - Historical Sunday {Research Historical Event/Invention/Discovery/Person for the era.}
Monday - Fun Monday {Share Game{s}/TV Shows/ Radio Shows/Music/Books from the era.}
Tuesday - Crafty Tuesday {Do a craft from the era. The American Girl Molly Craft book would be great for the 40s!}
Wednesday - Random Wednesday {Share Photos/Magazine Scans/Dishes/cleaning recipes/things you own from the era/etc...}
Thursday - Baking Thursday {Make a meal/dishes/snacks/drinks/dessert using cookbooks/ family recipes from the era. Also share the recipes you use in your post!} 
Friday - Fashionable Friday {Sew something from the era using vintage, or reproduction patterns. Share your vintage clothing that you own. Do a hairstyle and/or makeup look/tutorial from the era. Do an outfit post.}
Saturday - Matinee Saturday {Do movie reviews of movies from the era. Share your favorite Actors/Actresses, fun movie trivia, etc....}

Random Notes/Rules
In January and/or February I'll share some resources that you can use for ideas for some of the daily themes.

You can NOT use old posts for this event. You CAN use old sewing projects, cooking/baking, just have to write up a new post for this event.  

Please keep your pictures & outfits clean and modest.

You can start doing some of the things for the event now. Start your sewing project, cooking/baking recipes, etc... and if you finish before the event starts you can write your post and have it scheduled to post during the event on the correct day. Like, if you are going to miss part of the event and it is your favorite era{s}. Do the event now and just have your posts go up in March/April.

Everyday there is going to be a linky box in each day's of the week theme post. You will then link the POST, for that day into the linky. I will keep the linkys up until the middle of April.  

I'm hoping to have at most two giveaways a week. I would really like it if the item donated for the giveaway goes with the theme of the event and week the giveaway is hosted, if possible. If you are interested in sponsoring a giveaway send me an email: bramblewoodfashion {at} hotmail {dot} com. 

If you have any questions either email me, tweet me, leave a post on FB, or simply leave a comment. I'll try to get back with as soon as I can. 

Now, I need everyone's help on spreading the word. Please take one of the buttons I made a post them on your sidebar {all of the buttons are posted here}. Blog, tweet, pin, tumble, Facebook, Google Buzz, etc... about the event! Tell your favorite bloggers who might be interested in this event. Tell your friends. Well, I think y'all get the idea. *smile*

Thursday, December 29, 2011

What I Wore - Inspired by Marie from Marie Loves...

Grey T-Shirt Hand-me-down from Mrs. Amber Apple {F21}// Navy Blue Camisole J.C.Penny// Black Blazer F21// Owl Necklace F21// Bow Post Earrings F21// Black Flats Payless Shoes// Olive Green Skirt Hand-me-down from Mrs. Amber Apple {Banana Republic}// Green Tights J.C.Penny// Cat Eyed Sunnies Dana Buchman for Kohl's
When I tried on this outfit combination Tuesday night, I immediately thought of Marie of Marie Loves... and how she would wear an outfit like this. The basic color combination is so very her. {Marie, I love your outfits and I'm so glad you are back blogging!} In fact, since we've been back home I've been wearing more basic colors together with just a touch of whimsy & pop of color. I go through moods. Also my surroundings affect my outfits - so does the weather & how I feel. 

I promised I would share what I bought at the antique mall today. So without further ado, what I bought. 
   On the bottom left we have a vintage handbag in navy blue {I think it is from the 50s/60s}. While in the middle we have a black Kate Spade purse from either the late 90s or early 2000s {I'm really excited about this purchase, as one of my goals for 2012 was to buy a Kate Spade purse. And here I found one for $11}. The bottom right purse is a lovely brown shade vintage handbag {50s/60s?} in some kind of print, or type of leather or something. I don't know much about vintage purses at all, and there are no markings in any of the vintage bags. 
Here we have three magazines from 1940. The two in the back are LOOK magazine and the front one is a movie magazine called, Photoplay. I'm going to do scans of these magazines sometime next year, along with tons of other magazines I own - really I own stacks. 
Now the giveaway winner for the notebook is.....Erika {@justpeachyphotog on Twitter}! Congratulations, Erika! I'll be sending you an email tomorrow and you will have until New Years Eve to respond before I draw a new winner. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What I Wore - Two Florida Outfits

Adult version of the Pillowcase top {I used this tutorial}// cutoff Jean Shorts refashioned by me// Cat Eyed Sunnies Dana Buchman for Kohl's
cutoff Jean Shorts refashioned by me {same as the ones above}// black tank J.C.Penny// Chambray Tunic J.C.Penny// Fedora F21// Sandals F21// Cat Eyed Sunnies Dana Buchman for Kohl's

The first outfit is what I wore on Christmas Eve. The top & shorts were made for the trip. The top is an adult version of the pillowcase top. I used a tutorial from the Sweet Verbena blog for the top, which a few of my own changes of course. 

The bottom outfit is what I wore on Christmas Day. This was one of my main outfits of the trip. I refashioned my shorts from an old pair of jeans. For the shorts I needed no tutorial. Just cut off right above the knee and roll-up a few times for the cuffed shorts look.

I'm back home from Florida - on the way back home we stopped at an antique mall and I found some goodies, I'll share them hopefully tomorrow. *smile* I'll also announce the winner for the journal tomorrow too. And I'll be announcing my HUGE blog event for next year on Friday, so look out for that post!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Just wishing y'all....

a very Merry Christmas!!! :D  

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”- Isaiah 9:6 (NIV)

Plus a heads up that we will be traveling back home from the 25th {today} to the 27th.

Friday, December 23, 2011

What I Wore - Maxi Dress + Vintage Styled Bathing Suit

Maxi-dress made by me {I used this tutorial as a guide. But kinda did my own thing.}// chambray tunic J.C.Penny// Celtic Knot Belt Kohl's// Fedora F21// Cat Eyed Sunnies Dana Buchman for Kohl's// Sandlas F21
Vintage Styled Bathing Suit J.CPenny {2 years ago}// Chambray Tunic J.C.Penny// Fedora F21//Cat Eyed Sunnies Dana Buchman for Kohl's
Today was a full day. I slept on the balcony of the condo last night {for the second night in a row. will be doing it again tonight, as it is such fun!}. Went for a walk with Gabby and our mom into town this morning, where we took the pictures for the first outfit today, then down to the pier and back along the gulf. Afternoon was spent in the pool and back up in the condo blogging. After dinner we went shopping for groceries and for a Starbucks {I had a peppermint mocha}. Not too long after we came back from shopping the power went out for a little over half an hour, maybe even for one hour. It was loads of fun! *grin* Now, I'm sitting on my "bed" out on the balcony blogging and listening to the waves come onto the beach. I really don't want to go back home right now. But we will be home come Tuesday - we leave the condo on Sunday, Christmas day. *sighs*   

Be sure to check out my Favorite Christmas Movies post that I did this afternoon!

My Favorite Christmas Movies

Come November & December I like to pull out and watch my favorite Christmas movies, or try out "new" old Christmas movies. After seeing Amanda's Christmas Film Classic post over at AmandaBeth Online, I decided to do my own list for y'all. 

A magazine food writer {Barbara Stanwyck} has lied about being the perfect housewife must try to cover her deception when her boss and a returning war hero {Dennis Morgan} invite themselves to her farm in Connecticut for a traditional family Christmas.  Very sweet & fun! Plus, Barbara Stanwyck wears some really cute clothes! Always a huge plus. *grin* 

A homeless New Yorker moves into a New Yorker Tycoon mansion when the owner goes south for the winter {the owner doesn't know} and along the way he gathers friends to live in the house along with him. Before he knows it, he is living with the actual home owners {who play along with the idea for their daughter}. The movie stars: Don DeFore & Gale Storm. This is one of my favorite Christmas films and Gale wears some adorable clothes too!

A soldier {Joseph Cotten} suffering from battle fatigue meets a young woman {Ginger Rogers} on Christmas furlough from prison {for accidentally killing a man} and they fall-in-love. One of those tearjerking movies that is so perfectly lovely in the end. p.s. It also stars Shirley Temple. 

All I will say is that this movie is very sad and is hard for me to describe {it's been awhile since I saw it}. But I do love it. It stars: Deanna Durbin & Gene Kelly in roles opposite from their norm.

A bishop {David Niven} trying to get a new cathedral built prays for guidance. An angel {Cary Grant} arrives, but his guidance isn't about fundraising. Instead he is there to help the bishop make his marriage with his wife {Loretta Young} better. One darling movie! Plus you get to see Cary Grant ice skate.

An angel {Henry Travers} helps a compassionate but despairingly frustrated businessman {Jimmy Stewart} by showing what life would have been like if he never existed. This is a family favorite in our house. One of my favorite scenes is when George {Stewart} sees Mary {Donna Reed} all grown up at the High School graduation dance and asks her to dance {that whole dance scene just makes me want to dance}. Does anyone know where I can find a 1940s swing version of The Charleston, not a 20s version? As I adore the version in the movie!


There are more Christmas movies I enjoy watching, but it would take me too much time to list them all for you. 

What are your favorite Christmas movies?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ruche Favorites

I want to share with y'all some of my favorites from
{Soiree 7 from Ruche's holiday lookbook.}

{Sweet Swirls Shimmer Skirt}                              {Monette Paisley Dress}

What are some of your favorites?