Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nancy Drew Fashion Week - Day 6

Can y'all believe that tomorrow is the last day of the Nancy Drew fashion week? This week has just flown by! But guess what?!? I was able to sit on our patio for the first time this year today. It was just very windy. But I had fun anyways, doing watercolors, listening to music, and just enjoy being outside again.

Today's outfit is along the lines of Nancy Drew out on a ranch in 2011. I keeping finding my outfits looking very country lately. I think it is the boots. I l.o.v.e my Target cowgirl-ish boots. I wear them every chance I have. Though, another reason for all the country-ness could be that I have been listing to Country music non-stop this week. =D

 What I'm Wearing: Yellow Sundress {hand-me-up from Gabrielle (she made the dress)}; White Skirt {Epcot - Walt Disney World}; White T-shirt {Kohl's}; Tan Cowgirl Boots {Target}; Navy Blue Cardigan {Old Navy}; Earrings {same as before - Kohl's}; and Cherry Headband {borrowed from my sister, Hanne-col}.

Now it's time for you to link up your outfit for today {the direct link to your post}. So go ahead and link up your post/pictures below in the linky thing below. Oh, and remember there are three category's you can enter in. So be sure to let me know what category you are entering in. Thanks! And don't forget to check out Natasha's blog to see even more entries!

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