Monday, April 25, 2011

Fresh Modesty Swimsuit eBook Giveaway! {Closed}

I'm so excited to have Fresh Modesty - a site you must check out - back for another giveaway! =) Olivia the one who started Fresh Modesty, is the creator of a fashionable, but modest swimwear eBook! This eBook is full of ideas and styles for you to create your own bathing suit. No more needing extra clothing to cover up, like what you are doing in your store bought bathing suit. And guess what?!? She is offering one of our readers their own copy of her eBook. 

I have a copy of her book myself. It's an easy read and she writes like she is talking to you. Even though I have the ebook and all the supplies to make my own bathing suit. I still haven't gotten around to making my bathing suit. lol. I will someday - maybe this summer I'll make it. =D

Here's how to enter the giveaway - 
  • Leave a comment with you favorite summer activity and some way to contact you. {Blog, etsy username, email.}

More ways you can enter {Please leave a separate comment for EACH thing you do, thank you! Otherwise they won't count.}:

  • Follow Olivia's blog. 
  • Follow Bramblewood Fashion.
  • "Like" Fresh Modesty on Facebook
  • "Like" Bramblewood Fashion on Facebook
  • Follow Fresh Modesty on Twitter
  • Post the giveaway button on your blog's sidebar and/or giveaway page.
  • Blog, Facebook, or Tweet about the giveaway. (Leave a link in a comment.) {You can do all three, just leave a separate comment for each one you do.}

This giveaway is open to anyone with an email. As this is an eBook you are winning. :)  The giveaway will end on May 2nd at 10PM {EST}. The winner will then be chosen at random {using} and will be announced the next day. Then the winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize, before a new winner is chosen. 

Bramblewood Fashion

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