Monday, April 18, 2011

Making it Special

Years ago I was working at a bridal show at The Grand America hotel. Chocolate dipped strawberries must have been the "in" thing with brides that year. Several caterers were handing them out as samples.

My booth was next to Culinary Crafts. If you are familar with them at all, you know their presentation and beautiful food is really unmatched in Utah. I couldn't help but overhear one of the servers working at the booth talking to brides, telling them over and over to help themselves to a chocolate dipped strawberry, but that they must dip it in the lime sauce, because, afterall "without it, it's just a chocolate dipped strawberry".

I was amazed at how a simple lime sauce gave their catering business that little extra something. I was offered one and they were amazing. The sauce did make it stand out. It did make it better.
I have always remembered that little lesson. Standing out and being unique is as simple as offering something that no one else does. Making it extra special isn't hard.

I have always kept that in mind with my boudoir business. I want it to be special, to be personal, the best. At the time I started a dedicated boudoir studio there weren't as many options for women, but I knew that would change. I know more photographers are offering it, and that makes me happy, it helps get the word out that boudoir photographs are available and something that all women should do. It also keeps it competitive and fresh. For every photographer available there are different styles and personalities for you to choose from.

I am so happy my clients choose me. I really work hard to give them the whole experience. A photographer friend once commented that I really sell a fantasy. I think that's true in a sense. I want you to see your finished images, the way they will print, at your preview session. I don't want you to have to imagine what the edits will be and if you will like them. I want to offer premium hair and makeup services. I work with the best! I also want you to feel comfortable. We have a great time, there is no judging or pressure. We just work hard to give you a product and experience that you will cherish forever.

While a plain chocolate dipped strawberry is delicious, it is, afterall, just a chocolate dipped strawberry :)

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