Monday, October 17, 2011

Who Inspires Me (Fashion Wise) - Lauren Bacall

I know it has been a really long time since I have done one of these. Like really long. Some of my readers may not even know of this series. If you haven't seen any of these posts before, here is who I've  done so far: Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Judy Garland, and Deanna Durbin.

Today's post is going to be on Lauren Bacall, one of my new favorite actresses. She was married to one of my favorite actors, Humphrey Bogart, and I simply adore the movies that they do together. But we are not talking about Bogie right now, but Bacall his wife. *smiles*

An adorable outfit that Bacall wears in Key Largo {1948} with Bogie. Very simple, yet chic.

 Adorable pant and blouse outfit. Love the button details on her blouse. 

Lovely lace blouse that could be perfect for 2011.

Love, love, love this stripe dress. {the fireplace is cute too!}

A full view picture of the outfit Bacall wears in Key Largo {1948}.

Movies I've seen her in: 
  • To Have & Have Not {1944}
  • Key Largo {1948}
On my "to watch list":
  • The Big Sleep {1946} - This one is going to be on TCM come November 1st.
  • Dark Passage {1947} - I own this one. Just haven't watched it yet. 
  • Designing Woman {1957} - I'll be taping this one Wednesday on the TCM channel.
I can't believe I've only seen two of her movies so far. Well, that will be remedy soon.
What's your favorite outfit of Lauren Bacall's? And what's your favorite film with her? I'm always open to Old Hollywood movie recommendations.

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