Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2011 Fall Trends

There are several fall trends I'm looking forward to doing this year. Now normally I don't follow the trends too much. But this year, many of the trends are what I love to wear! What are the odds of that? *laughs* So with out further ado, some of the trends for this fall.

Fall Fashion Trends: Polka Dots

Polka Dots: I'm always wearing polka dots as they are one of my favorite prints. With them being a trend this fall it will make it that much easier to find things that are polka doted. *smiles*

Fall Fashion Trends: Mustard

Mustard yellow: I was in love with this color last year, but I never bought anything that was mustard {except for fabric for my pencil skirt I made last summer}. That is all going to change this year for me. I would love to have shoes, belt, purse, hat, and scarf all in this wonderful color. *sighs*

Fall Fashion Trends: Plaid

Large Over-sized Plaids (Granny Style): What an exciting trend! Plaid. I already own a largish sized plaid coat (made it back in 2009, you can see the post here), and several plaid skirts. Oh, I almost forgot, a plaid scarf too.

Fall Fashion Trends: Maxi Skirt + Chunky Sweater

Chunky Sweaters Over Maxi Dresses/Skirts: I already did this trend once {pictures here} and loved it. I just don't own many maxi dresses, or skirts for that matter. I find that they can get in the way when sewing (I'm always getting up and down from the floor). But I still love this look. It is also an easy way to bring your summer wardrobe into your fall wardrobe.

Fall Fashion Trends: 1970s

1970s: The 70s are coming back and I don't know what to think. I'm on the fence about this one. While it is nice that fuller pant legs are coming back. Oh, also floppy hats - love them! But overall I'm still not sure. :p What do you girls think?

Fall Fashion Trends: Western

American Western (Southwest): Is in everywhere at stores. You can buy western themed scarfs, purses, jewelry, and what not everywhere. This will make shopping for my sister, Hanne-col much easier for me this Christmas. As she loves the western style. *smiles*

What trends are looking forward to this fall?

Hey, I just thought of a really cool idea. Wouldn't it be awesome if online stores let you searched by color, or trend? I love having clothes organized by color. In fact, my closet is organized by color within the sub-categories {tops, skirts, sweaters, vests).

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