Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What I'm Wearing - Anne Girl

-What I'm Wearing-

White Shirt + Ruffle - Kohl's (Refashioned by me)
Pink Floral Skirt - Made by me (Skirt pattern I used)
Cream Cardigan - Worthington  J.C.Penny
Layer Necklace - Bass Shoe Outlet
Tan Wedges - Target
Flower Headband - Claire's
Pearl Earrings - Gift

What can I say? I'm so excited for my upcoming Fashion Week! I've been listening to the Anne of Green Gables soundtrack all day. Been sewing an Anne inspired skirt to sell, and started sewing an Edwardian apron. And look! My outfit for today is a modern Anne look, hence the title Anne Girl. =)

Other news, don't be surprised if you see me, or Gabrielle making our own bathing suits sometime soon! Because guess what?!? I won Olivia's giveaway! So exciting!


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