Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ring Watches a wonderful invention!

First let me "start at the very beginning." ;-) Several weeks ago, my sisters and I were talking to a good friend at church. As it was before Sunday school we were wondering, after talking for awhile, what the time was. Alas, none of us was were wearing a watch, not even me with my watch necklace (which I love to pieces).  So we said, 'that there should be watches on rings! But not chunky, they should be pretty and unique.' (not our exact words, but close enough.) =)

Fast forward to this morning. I was looking at my blog reading list when, lo, and behold, what's this? A ring watch! Someone was wearing a ring watch! I eagerly went on a frantic (alright, maybe not frantic.) Google search, to see where I could acquire one for myself. The best place I have found so far. One word, Amazon.

Amazon has some amazing ring watches! Let me share with you all my favorites.

What do you think of the ring watches? Which one is your favorite? Do you own one yourself?


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