Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's Blog Parade Time!

Rebecca at Sewing in the Past is having a blog parade. And I decided to join in! I am to list ten things that make me happy. So without further ado, ten things that make me happy with a vintage twist (the images). =)

Things That Make Me Happy

 1. Going on vacations with my family across the country. 

2. Having camp-outs (slumber parties)  on the weekends with my brother and sisters. 

3. Listening to Old-Time Radio Shows on my ipod.

4. Doing too many sewing projects at one time. =)

5. Reading a good book that makes me stay up too late. ;-)

6. Eating ice-cream. Any flavor is fine, just about, but mint-chocolate chip is my favorite!

7. Finding wonderful findings at antique malls/stores.

8. Opening up presents and also giving presents to others. I have a hard time keeping presents a secret during Christmas time. I always want to tell everyone what I got them. :P

9. Receiving a new comment and follower on Bramblewood Fashion.

10. Having a tea party! The best part of a tea party? Dressing up of course! =)


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