Sunday, June 27, 2010

We have a winner!

We now have our winner for the swimsuit eBook giveaway! Are you all ready to hear who won? Of course you are! =)

The winner is...............................................JesusFreak! Congratulations! I will be sending on your email to Olivia, who will in turn email you the eBook. =)

For all of you who didn't win I have something for you too! =) A coupon code for 20% ($3) off the eBook. You can use this code until July 31st, 2010. Coupon code is: freshfriends20. 


Also, if any of you want to donate something for a giveaway during the "Anne of Green Gables" Fashion Week. Please email me, you can find my email in my profile. We can then talk over the details. =)


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