Friday, May 6, 2011

Vintage Clothing Inspiration from Movies & TV

Christy TV show {1994-1995}
Two of my favorite places to find inspiration for my sewing projects is through TV shows and movies. I think it is because they are on real people and they are moving about. I get to see the clothing in action. They aren't on drawings of people in some book. Though it seams that some of my favorite clothing is from movies, or TV shows I would never watch. Why do those seem to have the best costuming?

Now when ever I watch the TV show Christy, I want to copy Christy's whole wardrobe. It also makes me wish I had longer hair, so I could copy her hairstyles - which are beautiful!

The Magic of Ordinary Days {2005}
One movie I really want to see someday, once I can get my hands on the DVD that is, would have to be The Magic of Ordinary Days {2005}. There's some of the most beautiful 1940s clothing and hairstyles from I can see in pictures from the film, and videos on Youtube. A friend recommend the movie to me and it looks like a really sweet film. Have any of you seen this movie? It's one of those Hallmark movies.

Road to Avonlea {1990 - 1996}
Road to Avonlea - one of my favorite recent TV Shows {yes, I know the 90s aren't really recent. The show first came out in 1990 - 21 years ago}, besides Christy of course. I mean what's not to like. It takes place in Avonlea, has wonderful costumes, great actors & actresses, and has characters from Anne of Green Gables that are left out of the movies {Davy & Dory Keith}.  Oh, the soundtrack is pretty awesome too. :)

I think Aunt Olivia has the best wardrobe. Then comes Felicity King and Sarah Stanley. 

What are some of your favorite TV Shows/Movies for inspiration? 

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