Thursday, May 5, 2011

I ♥ Thursday {no. 9}

I haven't done the I ♥ Thursday series since..let me look back into the archives....Oh my! January 27th!!! It's high time I brought this series back, don't you think? Well, here is what I'm loving this week. Feel free to do this on your blog, just link back to me. Or do it in the comment section below. :)

Casey of Elegant Musings -  30s Scalloped Collar Tutorial {part 1}

This adorable 1950s dress via Etsy shop Small Earth Vintage

I'm so in love with these earrings. Simple yet so elegant and vintage-y.

Who knew I would love this Nerd Glasses Necklace? Not me.  

Someday I will own a vintage train case. It will be either a mustered yellow or baby blue. 

I'm so excited to be hosting Feelin' Feminine's Spring Challenge May 12th - 19th. 

I'm also giving away a pair of my Lucy Earrings over at God's Daughter. Which is so exciting!

What are YOU loving this week? 

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