Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Bikini Ready?" Who's Judging?

I saw this title for an article and had to read it. It has been a long time since I have owned my one-and-only bikini. I grew up in a conservative family (which, as I get older, I am thankful for) where bikinis weren't something I would have asked to wear. So when I was about 20 I bought my first and last bikini since after that I had a baby and I no longer have a "bikini body". In fact, I don't have what I would call a "swimsuit body" in general, lol. But that is beside the point.

Check this article out. I liked it. It talks about how getting "bikini ready" has turned into this phenomenon and about how learning to love your body is ultimately the best thing to do.
"Bikini-Ready?" Who's Judging?

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