Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I need some advice...

Ok girls. I need some advice about my little blog here. I am completely NOT bragging, but looking at the stats there are a lot of people visiting and checking out what I have to say... Knowing that, I suddenly feel like I should be more, well... interesting.
I honestly started this blog as a way to share some pictures, news and info about my boudoir photography business. Do I feel like I am accomplishing that? Somewhat. A lot of my time is spent working, editing photos, with family, and just all that other stuff all of us busy women spend our time on.
So I need opinions! What do you want to see? More pictures? More resources for wedding planning in Utah(about half my clients are brides)? More advice/articles/info about boudoir sessions? More info about me (sheesh I sound so narcissistic all of the sudden)? More random weird blogs like this one?

Email me - susie@definitionimages.com

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